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Secure payment

Our secure payment

With SSL


At the time of purchase, Customers enter their credit card details in a secure electronic banking system, provided by PayPal. Purchases can be made via Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and JCB. Please visit www.paypal.com for more information.

Credit Card Security

All transactions are processed through a secure server, guaranteeing ROMAGNA COMPUTER customers maximum data protection. The operators of the ROMAGNA COMPUTER Customer Service are in no way authorized to request or accept credit card numbers and / or extremes of validity of the same. In order to guarantee greater protection on purchases made in the e-commerce sector, ROMAGNA COMPUTER recommends its customers to join the Verified By Visa or Mastercard Securecode services, requesting a PIN security code with which to make their purchases in complete safety. For more information, please visit the website: www.visaitalia.com or www.mastercard.com/it

Credit Card Charges

If the existing funds are sufficient for the purchase and the bank details provided are valid, the transaction will be processed instantly.


By choosing the PAYPAL payment method, the customer can pay directly through his Paypal account. ROMAGNA COMPUTER reserves the right to ship the goods only to the address indicated on the account verified by Paypal.